Thursday, November 4, 2010

Things I love: Sid from Skins Vol 1&2

He's adorable! So sweet, such a lovable character. I wanted him a Cassie to be together from Day 1, I totally cried when Sid's dad died. ( Sorry if I spoiled it, but he dies) Sid's the best. I'm not mad that he hooked up with Michelle. He was lost and she was there for him. We never know if Sid ever finds Cassie in NYC but I guess we"ll find out when the Movie comes out! Whoo Hooo!

Sid is played by Mike Bailey, who in real life looks just like know what I mean? No hair cut, same glasses, probably same clothing. In the Skins series 1 finale he sang a musical ensemble version of "Wild World" by Cat Stevens. That's cool...

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